Be Honest

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5 stars (4votes)


You thought this would be a fun game to play with friends, but now you’re not so sure. The game asks you to answer deeply personal questions that you’d rather keep hidden. Plunge into this horror adventure and feel the paranoia!

Questions that are better left unanswered

The more you reveal, the more uneasy you become. The eerie music and dim lighting make you feel like someone is watching you. The pressure is almost suffocating. You can’t help but wonder if the game somehow knows your darkest secrets. It’s like you’re trapped in a never-ending interrogation. The game seems to revel in your discomfort, and it’s starting to feel like a twisted experiment. You can’t shake the feeling that there will be consequences for what you’ve found out so far. See if these are just apprehensions or there is something more and creepier to it!


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