Grandpa & Granny 4

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You probably remember those creepy days spent in the house of Granny. Now there is a new villain to watch out for, and it’s Grandpa! Together, this old couple can give you a lot of hard time as you search your way around their eerie mansion trying to find an escape. Do it before the senile maniacs get to you!

Can you beat Granny and Grandpa at the same time?

The house is all old and creaky. You can’t walk a step without making one of the floorboards squeak. And that will inevitably draw the attention of Granny and Grandpa. Don’t be fooled by their age or feeble looks. They are rather swift and strong. And they won’t hesitate to use their spooky weapons that have brought down so many before you. Be very alert and cautious as you search for all the useful items that will help you pave your way to freedom. Your enemies are always on the lookout! Plunge into this awful and thrilling adventure and see if you can emerge victorious or at least alive!


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